Other Fantasy Stories

The Sleepiest Town Fights Pollution: The Beginning

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series The Adventures Of Shutting The Valve To End Fossil Fuels

It’s night time in this old town.

The streets are quiet, and the moon lights up the sky,–along with some stars.

I was drinking tea late night. My fairy, Annie is working with the electric boiler for heat this fall.

Amanda is currently on a patrol to help cut air pollution as a way to help our town reach a goal of having no smog at all, and plant over 16,000,000 trees daily as a way to keep plants growing around this city. However; Removal of oil pipelines, gas pipelines, coal routes, and even removal of coal-burning plants. These are the things what this village need to do first.

The house what I’m recently owning is darkened, so I can save power. However; it needs to has its light on to be visible at night. This is common sense to keep my place lit to prevent crime from happening.

Each day; I hear stories about this village performing these stages of eliminating fossil fuels by reducing their dependency on fossil fuels by using less fuel, promoting use of solar panels, ethical banking, planting trees, sustainable seafood, prevention of price gouging, breaking up monopolies, mandatory recycling programs, and special programs for the poor to start working at new places where jobs are generated.

Although; I am just enjoying riding my large white toy bunny as a way to take a break from working. Well, I haven’t kept track of time because, my clock is kind of off, and I must’ve forgot to check the time. Well, I can still take naps between working on my projects.

The sound of Annie repairing an electric boiler is an indication of preparing for cold days, and even ensuring this machine is safe to use, and rely on. This house has been recently rebuilt as a way to meet requirements for helping preventing climate change, for this instance; 4-foot think walls built with bricks and other strong materials that are designed to last for a long time.

Annie is taking her time with this project because, she has to use her time to ensure this machine is ready to use. Typically, contractors come to my house to fix a boiler to ensure its doing its job right. Well, I don’t have new contractors yet because, preveious contractors has almost gone bankrupt… however; their effort of saving energy has caused them to have some money to use to keep themselves running for years to come.

Annie is just replacing a large fuse that is dedicated to run the entire machine. Well, this old fuse has blown since months ago. Regular maintenance is necessary to keep this machine running.

During the day; I am just enjoying my berry pastry with sprinkles on it,–along with my cup of tea and fried potatos. Annie is enjoying her ginger biscuit with oatmeal. Her oatmeal is sprinkled with nuts, fruit, and sprinkles that are vegan!

Annie has been working hard since last night. However; a boiler that is repaired earlier is ready to bubble to warm up this house. Also, Annie’s work has ensured our heating costs go down with common sense.

“This is the day to fight climate change, and air pollution,” said Annie, sipping her cup of tea, “‘shutting the valve‘ to end fossil fuels is the thing what our village will do as a way to rethink about how we use energy. A farmer is the first to end use of natural gas, and use solar energy as a way to take part.”

“This village is going to render permits for natural gas extraction and oil extraction obsolete, and these permits will no longer be available. Existing permits will be revoked as a way to enforce our effort to protect our ecosystem,” I took a bite of my berry pastry, Annie can feel how cool this house has gone overtime… but this is her first effort of reduce heat as early as possible, “I’ve listened to the news about some villagers phasing out use of natural gas, and upgrading to cooking with electric equipment.”

Annie said, “currently… only 40% of our buildings has green roofing installed, or upgraded with green roofing,–or newly built buildings start using green roofing as a way to reduce flooding, and add more oxygen to our village. Most of these buildings are either rebuilt, or upgraded with solar panels for some parts of a village.”

“Firstly, solar panels and green roofing are being installed,–along with planting trees around this village,” I sip my cup of tea, its hot at this moment, and I need to take my time, “new buildings has green roofing integrated as a way to integrate nature with their village. These villagers are taking part to reduce smog levels. Tobacco products are officially banned, and smoking is banned from this village too! Amanda is substituting for a fairy who has gone sick, and she needs medicine to be cured. We got to have trees because, without them, no medicine will be made.”

Annie begins to eat her oatmeal, taking a small bite, and she says, “its more than just stop oil. There are lots of things to do! Making our skies bright blue, and our fields bright green with plants. Our village has been tricked by false claims of using crude oil and natural gas as essential fuels that are affordable. Now, this village has imposed a serious action against BIG oil by forcing them to pay. Polluters must pay for all of this.

I am still eating, no word spoken.

Annie continues eating as we listen to many of these bankers who support the oil industry demanding a ban of fossil fuels to be lifted. This immediate ban of fossil fuels has caused many of these banks that finance fossil fuel industries, and climate change deniers to experience a bank run Billionares who cashed out so many dollars to transition to an ethical bank has lead to only 44% reduction of CO2 levels in this city. They held a piece of an oil pipe that indicates a loss of their fuel what they want..

Some of these individuals who are blocking an ethical bank building has been arrested for trespassing, and hindering efforts to prevent climate change. Over 1000 of these polluters has been shipped away via electric police vans, or police wagons that can yield 80 of these polluters.

“Don’t shut the valve,’ they yelled, raising the long gas pipe with a picture of a sad animated coal-burning plant building, “we want oil and gas now!”

They repeat as they stomped down the streets, blocking a streetcar from cruising towards a battery station to get its battery changed.

The streetcar sounds its bell to ensure they stand back, and it will go through.

Some of these “pro oil” groups act like any other activist who are not activists who care about our environment.

They threw solid rocks of coal to litter the streets with anger.

They sped with automobiles that are modified to puff out smog.

“Like you won’t believe it Annie,” I shouted with joy, “this is a reaction what you’ve predicted! However; these villagers with proper police departments are going to take care of this.”

I sip my cup of tea as Annie glances out a window.

They carry empty oil barrels with a message, telling this village to NOT shut the valve. They got angry horses that are trained to attack climate activists, and they have White polluters who wanted to rely on natural gas, but their homes are doomed of losing this utility!

They marched towards an empty fairground, demanding this village NOT to shut the valve.

Black business owners can see why natural gas is being phased out as they go electric with windmills and solar panels. Most of these other business owners just transition like usual. However; “pro oil” activists has stormed the newly planted forest that is once a former pig farm. These crooks has been raging with anger and dread because, of an upcoming deadline to shut the valve.

There is no wonder why these people has gone mad,” said Annie, eating her biscuit, “we need to end fossil fuels for now because, our planet need us to do so. Our renewable energy source is trending… such as: used vegetable oil being used as diesel, heating oil, etc. Also, other renewable sources of fuel are rising in value slowly. No need to drill, no need to mine, and no need to deal with all of that smog, and other toxic stuff.

There was a BOOM… and the another BOOM!

Black villagers play Reggae music to celebrate a transition to renewable energy.

Schools are reformed.

Anti-spanking activists grew big.

Hotels with empty parking lots begin to install solar panels as a way to keep costs down. However; no car has parked at this time,–except for service vehicles for delivery of food and supplies, or emergency services, etc.

Green roofing jobs grow.

We continue eating our breakfast as we either listen or watch what’s happening outside.

Suddenly, we got a notification from an electric company about a mandatory switch to renewable energy, and they’re about to tear down an old coal-burning plant, and start a large garden to indicate where a plant once stood.

Annie and I are just ready for a brief cycle of powering off, and powering back on with a sequence.

We didn’t know we have a fully functional windmill turning as a way to use our independent source of energy, and sell surplus energy to grid, reducing the city’s bills by only 40%.

The 60% of the city’s spending will fall slowly. However; this is just a start for this village.

I hopped on my fairy, Annie to start riding her.

Annie begins to fly, and she says, “let’s go outside and fly to a forest what we are going to visit.”

Outside, I can see some villagers getting ready to sleep. But they have concerns,–regarding pollution in this town.

Climate change deniers, polluting narcissists, and even unwanted fossil fuels has caused this town to experience high energy prices, lack of common sense, and even high reliance of crude oil!

You can’t drink crude oil, and you can’t breathe natural gas,–and you can’t live off of coal, and other fossil fuels.

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By Fairy-Rider

Part of Fairies Dreams & Fantasy staff

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