Night Lights In My House (story)

0.1: Changing Out Bulbs

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Night Lights In My House
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Right before sunrise… Amy and I has woke up extra early to get ready for our project to change out these bulbs. Amanda is still patroling our home, and these lights are still on. She is warning other fairies about the man who is stealing lamps, and terrorizing our village. “Wow, Amanda is such a patrol fairy.,” said Amy, “let’s brush our teeth, and shower before we start. Mom is asleep for now, but we have to be very quiet. This is her first time in your house,–after she moved in.” I started to get ready for a shower, and Amy starts to go to her closet to get her clothes ready,–after shower. “Amy, keep the doors locked,” yelled Amanda, “The power system what we are currently using is about to be turned off by the company because, they’re switching to windmills to keep the carbon levels down.” I am still getting my clothes ready,–after shower. “Amanda has reminded you to lock the doors, and prepare for power that is going to be turned off,” I said, “let’s get our backup power going, and conserve as much fuel as we can.” Amy locks away all of her expensive hangers,–so they won’t be unlawfully used as spanking items/tools that are illegal. “Watch out for possible outages. Please let me know if you experienced any outages of energy,” said Amy, locking her case with expensive items, “I have to hide away all of my hangers from these rogue hands connected to these suspects who were wanted for illegally spanking children in our village.” Amy shuts the closet door, and gets her new change of clothes ready for use.

I walk towards the door, opening it and walking down the hallway. I have to keep it quiet,–so Amanda can hear other bad guys hiding somewhere. Since this house has one fully-functional shower… I have to use the shower stall to take a shower.

After I taken a shower; I ran to the library to get a book to read. Since I set this library since days ago… I have to implement new lights that will keep the library lit 24/7. However; these lights will rely on a dedicated power source that is NOT connected to the grid. Amy is currently taking a shower. She has her own dedicated bar of soap what she uses. But she never leaves it in the shower stall because, she prefers to make it easier for me, or my peers to get started in the morning. Well, I can hear Amy using a radio to listen to the news to find out what is exactly happening around us.

I started reading a book. Since this boo is in braille… I can able to read this book without needing to have someone read it to me! Amanda is now flying into our house to sleep because, she has to work on the next overnight patrol. Annie is still on a mission to reduce pollution, and try to keep coal out of our village.

As soon as Amy is done taking a shower; she ran back to our room to close up the window to keep the dust out. She can see Amanda sleeping on a lower bunk. Amanda is also resting her wings too! Amy didn’t say a thing at all. She is using her stealth efforts to keep herself from being detected by anyone.

She ran down the hallway to reach the library. I’m currently reading a book. Amy is fast enough to get ready to start our efforts of cutting down pollution day by day.

I hopped on Amy to ride her down the hallway,–heading towards the basement entrance what Amanda just lit up earlier. The stairway is lit with new LED panels. These LED panels were designed to keep the stairs visible as possible. It also has a battery backup to keep these lights on for a long time. Well, both of us are going to find the door of the basement that leads outside. All we have to do just find the lights that are glowing. If we can find the wooden door that needs to be converted… we can able to use this entrance as a way to maintain the utilities faster!

Amy and I are getting ready to recycle all of our old lights that we removed from our home. Annet is brewing her cup of tea with her scones. She’s currently eating cinnamon scones with oranges. “Nice house Fairy-Rider,” said Annet Mouse, looking around the dining room, “looks like you’ve owned this house for the first time.” Annet was amazed because, she never seen my house like this before! “I started owning this house since days ago. This house was used to be owned by a Muslim family, but they’re deported,–due to terrorism,” I said, “if you read the newspaper that is next to you… you will get this story.” Annet pauses eating, and grabs the newsspaper. She starts to read. “I can’t believe this house has been flagged for violations. It used to be a home owned by a couple who sold this house,” said Amy, gathering old light bulbs, and placing them in a recycling bag. “Once all of these old bulbs are recycled… we can able to install more lights that will be relying on LED instead,” I said. “Oh Amy,” said Annet in her sweet voice, “please install new lights for this entire house, the attic needs new lights to keep our dark rooms lit.” “One moment please while I bag up these old light bulbs,” said Amy, closing up the yellow recycling bag, “that will make it easier for me to carry all of these bulbs to the recycling center.” I slowly ridden amy down the another hallway that is too dark to see. Annet has trouble doing her laundry because, she kept bumping into the walls that are too dark to see! However; we’re going to fix up this problem as our new mission to light up dark areas of our home. If we can reduce soaring electric bills… we can able to save more money.

As Amy and I has left our house, Annet locks the door. Amy can see Jamal playing ball with other mice. The porch of this house has been left dark for the past years! However; we’re heading towards the hardware store in town to purchase LED lights that will brighten this dark porch at night. Jamal has never seen Amy Mouse before! Jamal’s friends were just playing at the local park where they’re implementing adjustable LED lamps to cut energy usage. “Ahoy, Amy Mouse,” greeted Jamal, how you’re doing today?” Amy and I are currently about to go down the street. “I’m doing fine,” said Amy, “me and Fairy-Rider are going to the hardware store to buy some new LED bulbs to cut pollution. We have a long project to do.” Jamal is still playing ball with his friends… “Looks like you are cutting pollution, and reducing carbon. My family should switch to LEDs because these bulbs don’t release any heat,” said Jamal, bouncing a ball to one of his friends. Amy and I has starting walking down the sidewalk that is under construction.

We started going down the street where the new subway system is being installed. These busy machines are lowering a strong cell that will enable train tracks to be installed,–along with a new station that will serve the streets above. The traffic levels are kind of high, and they’re implementing a mandatory recycling system that will be used to pay for the subway service. They’re already installed a windmill somewhere at the local farm where they grow crops only, and preserve forests.

After we reached the hardware store; we started shopping for LED bulbs. There’s lots of LED bulbs what you can choose! And there’s lots of colors to select. Traditional light bulbs were being sold out as fast as a train. Due to mandatory recycling laws; everyone has been recycling for days,–after the laws has taken effect. “Okay Fairy-Rider… how many lights we need to start off with?” Amy asked, “we have to start with CFLs that will fit into a light socket.” “let’s get 40 of these LED lights for our house,” I said, riding Amy towards the lamp aisle, “those are the lights what we need to install. Newly sold fixtures are kind of expensive, but we will get those later on.” Amy starts to walk towards the lamp aisle. Two other shoppers are gathering LED lamps for their homes in the city to cut down pollution by 77%. They were experimenting with CFLs for the past 4 years. Most of the lights were recycled,–after they reached end of service life.

Once we entered the aisle; we started gathering LED bulbs for our home,–which is necessary to cut energy bills in half. Amy has never seen these LED bulbs before! She was so interested in using them for her lamp in her room someday. “If I can find the warm versions of these bulbs; they will work for the lamp what I’m bringing to your house,” Amy shouted happily, “I better silence down to prevent someone who is susceptible to seizures.” I stopped Amy to enable her to grab a carton of LED bulbs. She can handle up to 4 cartons of these lights without any trouble! I petted Amy,–signaling she’s doing her job. Amy is always on a lookout for any possible signs of recycling bins. “Nice work Amy,” I said, getting ready to continue riding her down the aisle, “and now all we needs is CFLs for some of our homes. But we need to insert lights in the correct way.” Amy starts to go forward. She pushes the cart as she walks down the aisle. Other mice are jealous because, Amy is the biggest mouse in our village.

Both of us reaches the checkout counter to purchase our new lights. Amy gets ready to pull out her debit card to make a purchase as I prepare the light bulbs that are old to be recycled,–so they can be turned into LED bulbs in the future.

Amy swipes her card, and writes her name to sign a receipt… that’s important for safety because, that prevent fraudsters from attempting to do fraudulent purchases. However; Amy can hear some of the other people recycling old bulbs to cut waste. But some of these people are NOT recycling what our village expected to! Amy has to remind other villagers to take action to crack down on illegal disposal of items. Most of the recycling is collected to fund wind, and solar projects.

As Amy and I has returned home; both of us started to install new LED bulbs to light up areas susceptible to children being left in the dark. “Let’s install these lights at the front door of our house,” I said. Amy starts inserting lights into these working outdoor lamps. “First, I have to clean out these old lamps, and do some electrical work. These lamps needs to light this porch as a safety purpose for our town. If we can confirm if these lamps work the right way… we can able to light up our entire home without any trouble,” said Amy, cleaning out the old lamp on the outside wall of our home, “I believe I have some wire available for this lamp. And I believe this lamp needs to be reinstalled by a electrician. I’ll call one to get this lamp restored,–if our project fails.” Jamal arrives at our house. “Amy… I need your help,” yelled Jamal, showing a video about a problem at the park, “my friend has d a seizure, or having a seizure. I don’t have any equipment to help him.” Amy is still cleaning the lamp. “Have you tried contacting the ambulance?” she asked,” try using your phone,–if you have one.” Jamal reaches into his jacket pocket to get his phone, and contacts the ambulance. “I’ll keep track of my friends condition, but my other friends don’t have a phone,” said Jamal. Amy asked her mother to guard our project. Annet is currently steaming the windows to remove all of the dirt. “Amy… Jamal really needs your help with his friend at the nearby park that is close to our home,” she said, getting ready to steam the another window panel, “seizures are serious… and they’re NOT fun for that person.” Amy and I has set our supplies aside, and we started taking off to the largest park in this village. Jamal explains to Amy what’s happening, “one of my friends who were practicing for soccer has fell down, and a bully who was involved has threw the guy across the field. I’m a student for this school. Our teacher refused to help this student. That caused our teacher to be removed from our school. He was a person who condone bullying. His para has reported a problem to his parents,–but his parents has told his teacher to let their child deal with it for life,–claiming that’s rules of the families. However; his parents were ordered to change to raise children without violance. That means no more spanking children, and no violence.” Amy was worried. She never heard of a child’s parents who were responsible for abuse and neglect. However; Amy is fully trained to report abuse and neglect. Amy’s family has passed down generations to keep violence out of families. Annet has also punished someone for hitting children once,–by limiting priviliges…

As I ride Amy down the street; Jamal leads us to the park where there was trouble is located.

As we reached the park… it was a mess!

The bully is running away, but Amy is chasing him down. She can run fast, and she can easily grip a bully with a reasonable amount of force! “Drop the stick,” Amy yelled, “you’ll go to prison for hitting someone.” The bully is still holding a stick, but it’s not a stick at all, it was a belt used for spanking, smuggled to this park. Amy grabs the bully as she catches up with him. And the bully went down. Jamal moves the bully away from his friend as an ambulance, and police arrives. “Great work Amy,” yelled Jamal, “I got the another bully down. That will be easier for some police officers to arrest these bullies, and haul them to prison. And I know these guys… but I can’t pronounce their names because, I don’t speak Arabic. I only speak English, Spanish, French, Finnish, and Chinese.” Amy keeps the bully under control. She can hear that bully yelling,–demanding Amy to let go. “I’m NOT going to let you go because, you threw a person. You’re the person who is involved. And I can see your lying face. Bullies lie a lot,” she said, holding the bully still. she uses her long tail to prevent the bully from kicking, and punching, “never the less… Jamal caught you red handed!” Amy keeps a good grip to prevent 1 punch from launching…

As the police finally came; they arrested 1 bully, and the another what Amy is holding still. The officers gave Amy a medal for speaking up for a victim of bullying. This bully was identified as Ahmed-Ul-Hamza Mustafa! He was a convicted copyfraudster, terrorist, and arsonists. He also avaded taxes,–causing his mosque what he owned to be auctioned by the government. I never heard of this man before. He was only 22 years old; but he was left back in 11th grade,–due to his bad report cards. However; the other bully hasn’t been identified just yet.

Jamal continues to keep his friend who is down safe. He was loaded on an ambulance,–bound to the hospital. Jamal reads a book to his friend as Amy and I returned to our project to install LED bulbs in these lamps that are being rebuilt.

Once Amy and I continued with our project… Annet continues steaming windows of our home. “I see you spoke up for some student,” said Annet, looking at Amy’s medal, “I will give you more priviliges at this time because, you did the right thing!” “That bully who is causing trouble was a Muslim man I know for the past years, I told him NOT to bully anyone, but his family has allowed it,” said Amy, wiring a new socket for a lamp for the outdoor use. She has to bolt it shut, and remove the air from the box. The lamp is also going to be protected against tampering via bullies. All of the old wiring is collected and recycled… Our electrician has replaced some of the old defective wiring with newer wiring that are built to withstand high voltages, and they’re resistant to rodents,–thanks to a newly designed wire that is built to last longer than any other wiring that can be used by revamped homes. I tried my best to guide Amy along the edge of our home. Our porch also needs dedicated lighting that will NOT affect our electric bill. That’s when solar panels were installed to enable sunlight to shine in. Those are premium panels; that means they can capture more sunlight, and generate more electricity. But these units will be interconnected around the outsides of this house.

Once the outside lamps were rewired; Amy and I install LED bulbs at the front side of our house. These lights will be dedicated to keep our home lit at night. Amy starts off with cleaning the slots for the bulbs to be installed. “I think these slots needs to be replaced,” she said, removing the old slot, and installing a new one, “now I can able to install the LED bulb.” She screws in the new LED bulb. I get the lens cleaned. “I think this lens is kind of dirty, and it needs to be restored,” I said, cleaning it up, “I will let it sit in the cleaning solution,–so it can be easy enough to remove all of that build-up that’s been around for years.” “I got one light installed so far,” said Amy, wiping away the build-up from an old reflector. She removes it, and replaces it with a new one. She has to blast air to keep the dust out, “now I’ll get one lens from the cleaning solution, and rinse it to prepare it to be installed,–so the light inside the unit can be protected. These bolts will be driven to keep the glass from being unbolted.” Amy rinses the lens what I just washed. I placed the another dirty lense inside the tray of cleaning solution to restore it. I think there’s a tiny crack on this round lens, but the landlord who used to live here has failed to do repairs.

Amy installs a new lens after she installed a new LED bulb. She uses series of bolts to keep the lense secure. All bolt heads must be hidden to keep bad guys from stealing lamps. I gathered up all of the old wires, and packed them inside the metal case to store all of the old wiring. Maybe the landlard used proprietary wiring to keep future owners from customizing the electrical works of their home. Since the old wiring has shocked the community… they called the electrical services to take a closer look. “Like you won’t believe it!” Amy exclaimed, “that previous owner has implemented these cables that will be a trap for new owners,–like us. However; we’re going to get our house custom-built.” Annet is currently speaking with the electrician who is inspecting these wires that are defective by design. “Let’s rewire this home with slow, steady pace,” I said. “You got it that right!” Amy exclaimed as she gets a new roll of wiring ready for our house, “electrical work is important. Rushing this task can lead to serious electrical issues, and a possible risk of fire… My parents don’t rush children to do their task, nor induce pain to make them do their work.” Amy hands over a spool of cable to the electrical service workers.

After our project is completed; both of us started to enter our home, and use the remaining bulbs to light up certain rooms. However; rewiring is required for this house to update all of the electrical wiring. Annet can hear all of the workers installing solar panels because, these mandatory panels are required by law to cut pollution by 100%. That can cause lots of electric companies to lose some of their money because, they were trying to get more fuel for their business. Green roofing, white roofing, and blue roofing has been mandated!

Amy and I has started to replace old bulbs with LED bulbs for the purpose of reducing electrical energy usage. “We reached our next milestone as we installed a new bulb for our dining hall downstairs,” said Amy. “This is one main source of light what we had for years as a tradition of lighting our home,” I said. Amy raises the shade, and replace it with a stable version of a shade that is designed to let some light in. She inserts a new bulb inside the slot to light up the balcony. She installs a timer to control the lights… she uses a tool to clean out the glass of this window that is dirty for years. But she can see the balcony through the regular window. “This slot needs some cleaning I think the ast landlord has failed to do work of his house,” said Amy, removing all of the buildup of mess to reveal a horizon of a balcony. However; the glass section outside hasn’t been cleaned up just yet, “this slot may be cleaned all right… but the lens needs to be restored.” Currently; most of these wires that are being replaced are linked from the circuit that is turned off,–and taped. That is important for safety of our project. Amy is taking her time with her project Her goal is to keep the balconies visible at night!.

Once Amy has cleaned out this slot to enable lights to light up the balcony; the electrician has installed new wiring to enable lights to make these dark places visible. Untold, this house has been left abandon when the landlord has been taken to prison for exterminating mice. However; we’re finding ways to rodentproof/rabbitproof our home by sealing up all of the gaps to make our home stronger, just like a bank vault! Annet is currently using an automated duster to shine up the doors of our home. Over 20 miles of wiring her been recycled so far. This is necessary to remove outdated wiring as a way to safely run power 24/7. A new fire extinguisher has been installed as a way to put out a fire, and a new fire alarm that support test calls. However; a new medical alarm as a safety feature is installed,–if you needed medical emergencies. Since Amy can’t eat certain meats, and Annet takes emergencies seriously… Amy needed this device for her safety. There are still more slots to restore. All esting, and setting up of these important features of this home is necessary to give our home a visible appearance. If this house is resistant to storms, and there’s no leaks… we can keep this home dry as possible. Amy has saved some of these lights for later. I dismounted Amy to enable her to take a long break. However; its getting closer to lunch time!

During lunch, Amy and I are watching a movie about activists who were saving our planet from pollution. We’re currently having vegetarian pizza with buffalo sauce glazed. Annet is having salad as she reads a newspaper about the updated anti-spanking laws. Its kind of like a paid subscription what she is relying on. She’s also drinking tea as she eats her meal. “This is important to watch this important movie,” said Amy, getting 1 slice of a vegetarian pizza, “our village is working on getting all of our homes powered by wind.”

I grabbed 1 slice of pizza.

“Listen to this Amy,” I explained, “stricter recycling laws has been established to make it mandatory to recycle any recyclable items. At this case, cardboard boxes will be collected to enable companies to make new cardboard. And they’re taking climate change extremely seriously.” I started eating my pizza. I used my fast cutter to slice up my slice into sections, and then I started drinking my tea. “Why coal lobbyists has been harming our ecosystem?” asked Amy, “its bad to mine for coal. Annie is still on the mission to help our planet phase out coal-mining.” Amy starts eating her slice of pizza. About 22 electricians has installed a new controller to control the lights for the balcony lights. So far; 22 miles of wiring has been recycled to help cover maintenance costs!

Recently; I got a shipment of LED walpaper that will light up my hallway as a way to reduce light pollution. My tile floors are also being fitted with glass panels with reflectors to reduce lamp’s power. That applies to hallways, and stairways that need light to keep them lit at night. All electrical safety is doubled to further protect this home from electrical fire, or damage by rodents. Most of the rodents who lived in a village are protected via a new culture.

“Amy is going to like this,” I said, unboxing my new LED wallpaper.

Annet is currently having tea with our neighbor who is raising funds to keep our village free of coal industries.

Series Navigation<< The new House & The Work Needs To Be Done0.2: Low Energy Bill… Other Homes Experience High Energy Costs >>

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